Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Wish List!

I can't remember the last time that I wrote a Christmas wish list, but when my friend asked me for my christmas wish list I figured I would give it a go. So this is a true wish list, I WISH I could get all this for Christmas!!!

1) A New Car, a pearl white Subaru legacy

2) Chanel Chance perfume
3) Cute new work clothes

4) New Nordstrom wardrobe 

5) Rose Gold Watch

6) Gym pass with a personal trainer

(helps if he is good looking) :)

7) New socks
8) Reese's Holiday Trees
9) New ski mittens/gloves

Of course this is unrealistic stuff but I would love it all. As for realistic..... The normal stuff. Clothes, ski stuff, gas money. I am TOO not picky! :)