Oh do I have a story to tell!!!!
So a few days ago dad and I found this awesome B&B. The guy there told us that we could rent bikes for the day at the next won over. We rented bikes for a few hours and the guy gave us a map for a little trail to take. I was so excited after seeing so many people out riding bikes during our travels. So we set off on our adventure! It was amazing. I started getting tired on the hills, because I NEVER ride bikes. We saw some amazing country side and it was probably one of the most beautiful days we have had our whole trip!!
We went really far to two cities over and then crossed over this really big river and headed up the hill. I was DIEING up the hills. I do not have any muscle for biking yet! (don't worry I will with time and riding) So we get up to this beautiful green side of the dales.
Okay that is just the background but here is the story!!!
So we are going on the side of the hill and all of a sudden it starts to get muddy. and I start to slide around a bit. I start my nervous giggle, those of you that know me well enough know exactly what I am talking about. We keep going through and I watch dad sliding around in front of me as well. He is hooting and hollering like he does when he skis. All of a sudden time almost just stops. I watch my tire turn a little too much to the left and that makes the back of the bike slip to the right. I start to see the muddy ground get close and closer so I put my arm out to catch it while an "OH NO!" comes out of my mouth and then SPLAT!! I slide unto the mud. Dad turns around and yes whoops as he just busts up laughing at me!

I laugh it off and get back up on my bike but the fall hurt a little and now I am shaking which only makes navigating through the mud harder. I continue to fall a few times before finally we get onto a paved road. Then my arm feels like it is on FIRE! We find a nice lady cleaning some horses and she gets a bucket of water out so I can wash all the mud off my arms and face. Once I am clean I look down at my arms and it has started to swell up and have welts on it. I fall into the stinging nettle!
So we had quite the great time out bike riding and I even have some bruises and scrapes as battle wounds. I think my dad thinks I am the most incompetent woman ever!