Note from the editor: This last week I went on a trip to see my family in Utah. It was awesome and I had a great time socializing with family and friends, hiking, biking, wakeboarding and watching conference. I know what you are thinking, "who cares....I came to this blog to read about Lauren and her mission and Ukraine. Why is this chic babbling on about her vacation?" Well that is my attempt at an excuse for not posting Lauren's last two letters. Sorry, but here they are. In other news...it appears that Lauren has found the spell checker!! This is good because I was having a very serious internal debate about whether I should edit her letters are leave them as they are. I didn't want to mess with the integrity of her work (plus I am lazy) and opted to leave them as they are. Anyway....on to the good stuff.
Lauren's letter:
Yeay I got more e-mails! You are all so great and love me so much. Thank you for all your support, love and prayers! I like that your Sunday family activity can be writing me a little note and sending it to me and I get it 5 -8 hours later. The Internet is so neat!
I hope my spelling is better. I am typing slower because dad said it was rough. Story of my life. I can't spell for beans.
So I decided to give you a summer of things I have learned about Kiev as I embark on my fourth week in the country. I bagged the day by day play by play. If you would rather that let me know but for now this is what you get :)
The smells here..... are ROUGH. For the family they know about Romanian. Its a lot like Romania but worse. I think I am going to try to get rid of that sense for the next year. Bless Ukraine's little heart but it just smells bad. With that said.. my nose gets confused because sometimes you get amazing smells of fresh baked bread or sharma all of which make me so hungry. Then you also have people walk by the are decked out in perfume and it smells great. ha ha I sure do love this place.
Marshootkas.... They have to be the funniest thing I have ever experienced! They are these little yellow van things (like the Romanian one) that has 12-20 seats on it ans sometimes its a metro bus thingy that seats a lot more people. But EVERYONE gets on it. You pack so many people on it that you can't move. I had an itch on my nose one day and couldn't move my hand to my face to itch it. I wish I could take a picture of it but I think people might be offended if I did that. But they have so many people on them that you can't even shut the doors. and then you find yourself in the middle of this smash packed little van needing to get out at the next stop. All I have to say is good luck that is a work out all on its own. Pretty much it is an incredible system. It only costs 1-3 grieven which is like 15 cents in America. America should have something like this its super smart and cost efficient!
Cold.... I might die this winter! Last winter it got record breaking lows for the past 200 years and last night we heard it is supposed to be the coldest winter in 1000 years. Do I think that is exaggerated... Yes! Do I still think I am going to die... YES! Last winter it got to -40 degrees Celsius. That's cold! So I am going to take Dad's suggestion and get a really warm coat!
Downtown Kiev.... is AWESOME! I love it! Its like New York just cooler! There is amazing architecture and lots of shops. and neat statues! I am going to try to include some pictures so you can see what I am talking about!
It is so pretty! I can't wait for you all to come see it (hopefully sometime) They clothes places here are so expensive!!!! We went looking for coats are the suggested stors on the main street in downtown Kiev and I wouldn't even be able to afford it in America It was 2,000+ g which is over 250 dollars! Yikes. This coat searching thing is going to be hard!

The People.... are so sweet. They give and give and give. Random people I don't know will give us amazing fruits on the street and make us food when we come over. They are so humble and amazing. They don't have much to give but they will give lots! They dress SO nice. and the women are skinny bomb shells. Its true America is just really heavy. But they all wear crazy heals and nice clothes they spend all their money on clothes, but then don't have very nice homes. Its opposite in America or at least it seems to me.
The language- everyone tells me I should have learned Russian and that the native tongue here is Russian ha ha I never hear Ukrainian. But that's okay I will just do my best to learn both! :)
WE GOT ANOTHER BAPTISMAL DATE! I saved the best for last. That is two in two weeks and is un heard of here! Not really but Close last night we set the mission record 18 baptismal dates in a week. It's nothing we do its just the temple being here and the Lord really is preparing people. I can honestly say the most happiness I feel is when helping others come unto Christ. I know it is so hard to change their lives but all that is asked is that they have a desire. And to let the desire work in them. Last night we sat on the temple ground and it was so cold and windy but as my companion prayed I prayed that we would be warmed by the spirit and that's what happened. We sat and talked for an hour on how she can change her life and God was leading her to this place and time and that she is ready to make the necessary changes in her life. I am so excited for her. It is going to be a lot of work but we are going to get her ready! October 23rd is her date and Elena is her name! We are super excited for her and the work! They work is booming here. we have to stay on our toes or the Elect are going to fall through the racks. They first presidency has asked us to contact ever single person that came to the temple open house. It is a large and stressful task but by far the most incredible one! I am so excited and love where and what I am doing. I love you all and I pity you for not being able to be where I am right now! It is the best place in the whole world. But I love you and can't wait to hear more from you! I love you all!!!!!
Sister Schmidt
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