-Next item of business, dad is right i have been delayed that means this is not that last e-mail from me in the mtc. We were delayed because pres stienigal needs time after the dedication. We will leave friday the 3rd at 5:00 in the morning. Our flight leaves SLC at 8:40 we land in JKF at 3:30 PM and high tail it to out gate because our flight leaves 45 minutes later. We leave JFK at 4:45 PM and land in Kiev at 9:10 the next morning. Thats right straight flight! I am excited! nervous to not make the flight though.
-Next we actually might not have our visas but they don't tell us till next monday. I think we will but if not we are temporaily reassigned in the states till we get them! Crazy huh. At fist I was bummed but then I got sO excited that would be so a cool experience to be able to teach in english and get used to it then go to ukraine! but one way or another i am excited for whatever happens! Because I kinda want to go state side first i think Heavenly Father will just send me to Ukraine ha ha! I think we find out on moday or this friday we don't know but if ii get reassigned i will call you!
- so this week I got all bummed thinking that no one loved me lol not really but i didn't get any letters all week i went monday to monday without one. then yesterday i got two packages two letters at 5 dear elders. thats love right there! I sure do love hearing from everyone. THANK YOU!!!!!! I know I won't get that kinda love when I am in ukraine. Don't worry i know you all love me i am just saying i won't get as much letters :)
-Sot his week has been incredible. Slowly but surely I got more okay with leaving and feeling ready. to start out Tuesday was incredible. We had the most amazing fireside mainly bit was great for me because of one elder. He is from france and he got up and in terrible broken english said a testimony of one sentence. It was so powerful to me. I don't know him but i sure do love him. I hope that I can be like him and have the spirit just poor out through me from God! It was awesome. he has know idea how much he affected me but it really did. I hope I can be like him and through terrible Ukrianian let poeple feel god's love!
-Wednesday I got to Host the new girls coming in. I made a new friend S Platt she is cute! and Whitbeck came in!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! We taugh in the TRC I taught with E Smith It was a change but we taught natalia and I am not scared of her anymore we taugh a great lesson. E. Smith is amazing I was glad I could terach with him he taught me lots. Thursday We got nes that SC and I wre invited to teach at this weeks orientations. It is neat only 7 comps in the 1000 that are here get the opportunity. I am nervous we are the first teaching the new elders an sisters see. I am grateful that we are looked at as good teachers in order to have this great experience! I am bnervouse but super excited! I still remember the people that taught my first day so we better do a good job because we will have 100s of missionaries watching us! ah!!!!!
-Friday we got flight plans but knew they were wrong got totally bummed and then had to go back on Monday to get others. We found out some elders are getting reassigned and don't know it yet I have to keep my mouth shut so they don;'t find out fromt he worng source. Its crazy I can't wait to find out if we get reassigned. If we do I got to call you and tell you! :) thats a bonus ha ha Sunday was great It was so sad. my best freinds from the mtc left to croatia and czech they are sister dean and stratton i love them. They make me think about going to BYU VERY strongly after the mission. I adore them. They will be great missionaries. Don't worry tay tay and kest if you are both still at suu and not married then i will still come there. but I really am think byu would be cool but thats is forever far away so i have to stop thinking about it!
I- am so excited and scared and freaked and pumped and ah i have so much emotion in me! It is so crazy I just hope my trainer is ready for me because she doesn't know what she signed up for! ha ha ha I will be a rollercoaster at first! ha ha ha I love this gospel. I have grown so much I love you all please do all that you can to come closer to christ read and pray more it will help
Sister schmidt
Dad they know nate! He baptised her mother not his actual wife. But he knows super well yoou should talk to nate about it! Its neat! PS I saw Court he looks like he is doing reallt well!!!!