Sunday, January 16, 2011

Letter #28 January 10th

So the news you have all been waiting for... just kidding you probably forgot. I have a new companion. She is a mini missionary from Kiev. Her name is sister antoch. I met her last week at the temple she is a return missionary she just got home a week ago. She doesn't speak any English and has forgotten Ukrainian. It's sweet I am learning so much from her but it is SO HARD. We can barley communicate in my broken Ukrainian. I am pretty sure each missionary goes though a time in their mission when they had a really hard time and everything seems to go wrong and no matter how hard they tried it was just a struggle. I think I am going through that right now. The good thing is with every story it always turns out okay and it's fine in the end. So I know that this will be the same way. I was on the verge of a total break down all Yesterday and then at the end I just lost it for a 5 second period and then I sucked it up and was okay. So that's the truth. I am learning and growning a ton right now. I hope it doesn't seem like I am totally down I am fine now I promise. But it was a bummer. I feel like i am dropping the ball here in Center. We went from 21 lessons a week and within three weeks we had 9!!! OUCH! But the best thing it we can only go up from here! Ha ha that's the best part about being at the lowest point.... you can only go up! YAHOO!
So Center is Totally different now! Our Zone Leader is now AP and the DL is training a elder from Peru that doesn't know English but knows Russian Fluently he is 26 and is a doctor. then there is my comp who doesn't speak English. So everything we do is now in Russian (not Ukrainian) So once again I am going to be learning Russian a lot better! I think I might come back either knowing three languages or just not knowing any because I am the three so jumbled up in my head! ha ha ha crazy! ha haha Oii! Oh and it is also crazy because she can only serve with me for a little over a week and then I get another Mini. Ha ha So I Will have had 5 comps by the end of this transfer! ha ha I still don't know Ukrainian. My poor comp has so much patience with me. Bless her heart! I am so grateful for her. She is a sweetie. We are going to make lots of good Russian food today! So hopefully I will be able to write a bit to you too!
Highlight of the week was sister B and I decided we wanted to talk to EVERYONE@ It was cool. We have stand ups at transfers. President says stand up if you have talked to 10+ people the last three days and then 20+ 30+ by this point there is only us and one other sisters comp standing then 40+ then they sat down 50+, 60+and finally we say that we have talked and invited 64 people to meet with us and hear our message. It was super cool that the two newbie comp blew everyone out of the water. Come to think of it..... that's why this week is so dang hard. I totally needed to be humbled! ha ha Heavenly Father is funny! But that makes sense! Well This is a super lame e-mail! I am sorry! I promise everyhting is GREAT! I truly am leaning and growing so much! "Don't worry about a thing, Everythings is gunna be all right" I think that is how the song goes!

Love you all so much! I love this work and Ukriane!
sister schmidt

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